Saturday, January 31, 2009

I know its been a long time.....

Ok I know it has been a long time, but hey thats life right? Anyway here is the update on the family. We spent the holidays in TX with DH's family. It was eventfull! kEveryone was excited to see Keira for the first time. The kiddos got spoiled like always. We spent Christmas, New Years, and Mikey's 4th Birthday there. Mikey got a ton of tracks for his christmas presents. But the BIG present this yeaar he got for his Birthday. His Grandad and Mamaw got him his very own ATV. I got really spoiled with a DSLR, My new dog Scottie, and a ROOMBA! I am loving it.

On New Years Eve we were planning on doing fireworks. Rob, Granddad, Tim and Kurt all went to the fireworks store (apprently only men can pick out fireworks). When they were there they found out about the Burn Ban for the county. The fireworks store were not selling any airalle fireworks. When they came back Rob was telling us that they didnt have any at the store and just as he says this Tim and Kurt walk in with huge boxes of fireworks. So we went outside to fire them off. Right around midnight...maybe 12:30 a Sheriff comes up and informs us that there are no fire works that are to me fired into the sky or we will be fined. SO we stopped for the night. Rob and Tim decied to fire off some on Mikey's Birthday too. We are so lucky there was not a state trooper just happening to pass by.

Keira is now rolling to get things and saying DADA all the time. Mikey usually sits there and tells her that he is not DADA. I spend my day telling MAMA. She is also sitting independently and on the verge of crawling. She will get her legs under her and try to push her head on the ground. Then she pushes up with her arms and her legs slide out to the sides. I figure it will be a few weeks before she crawls but you never know.

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