As I watched Mikey's face light up in awe from the spraklers and giggle, laugh, and scream at the fountains I felt empowered being able to be in a place where he is able to enjoy the holiday to it's fullest. There is something patritoic and nastalic about seeing kid's running around in streets with the sparklers. I could just see myslef in a norman rockwell painting. And I think that America needs more moments like that.
Here are some pictures of the kiddos from the 4th! And yes that is a Mohawk on Mikey. He wanted to be a rockstar :)
Hey girl! I miss you already!!
I left you something on my blog!!
<3 Becky
Hi! I'm holding a baby, toddler and preschooler items giveaway specially for US residents called:
"Pick a Present worth US$45"
Hope you'll join in as it ends Mon (5 Oct)!
Hope you don't mind me following. My husband is retired from the Air Force and we raised our 2 children in the military until they were school age. Our 22 year old son just joined the Air Force. We miss it very much.
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